Science Fiction and Reality of Data Collecting in Online Social Networks (Black Mirror)

Black Mirror Nosedive screeshot. Copyright to Black Mirror. Book Chapter

The goal of this study was to relate a science fiction narrative to the current context of Data Collection in OSNS – Online Social Network Services, aiming to build a perception of adherence between the imagined and the real.

An exploratory and descriptive methodology was adopted, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, with a method composed of an exploratory analysis of existing SRSO personal data collecting processes and a descriptive analysis of the form of personal data collecting identified in the sequences from a narrative of an audiovisual production.

The research universe was delimited to the SRSO to data collecting of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, with the sample composed by the episode Nosedive, part of the Black Mirror series.

For the découpage process of the sequences from the episode, it was identified characteristics referring to the data collection interfaces from OSNS, to filter the elements related to the theme in the sequences content.

The results confirmed the relationship between aspects of the OSNS data collection processes analyzed, with 7 similarities.

Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., is a professor at Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil.