Lecture Cycle at the Federal University of Pará – Prof. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva, Ph. D.

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva Events

On September 5, 2019, the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) had the opportunity to welcome Professor Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva, from the University of Porto.

This opportunity was made possible by the support of PROCAD Amazônia, represented by Professor Marise Teles Condurú, as well as the support of the Faculties of Library (FABIB) and Archivology Sciences (FAArq) and the Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI).

The lectures were given in the Auditorium of the Geosciences Institute at UFPA, who kindly provided the space and equipment for the lectures.

The professor brought insights on topics from the areas of knowledge: Information Science, Library and Archivology, bringing methodological themes and historical trajectory of these areas to the context of sustainability and regional development.

Armando Malheiro

Professor Armando Malheiro is a Portuguese researcher with great recognition in Brazil and other countries, with more than 20 years of partnership with national researchers from various fields of knowledge.

Prof. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva, Ph. D.
Prof. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva, Ph. D.

He is a full professor in the Department of Communication and Information Sciences, Faculty of Letters, at the University of Porto. In addition to having a vast publication of scientific articles and books, he has supervised numerous Brazilian professors and researchers. Your publications can be accessed through your ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0491-3758.

In 2016, Professor Armando Malheiro granted an interview to Moises Rockembach, which was later published in the scientific journal “Em Questão”, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The interview can be freely accessed through the link: <https://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/70025>.

The lectures at UFPA

The lectures were divided into two parts: one in the morning (focused on undergraduate students) and one in the afternoon (focused on graduate students). The lectures had free entrance and without prerequisites for admission.

  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva
  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro da Silva

Morning Lecture: A Methodological Re-Discovery: The Proposal of the Quadripolar Method for Social Sciences (1974)

In the morning, Professor Armando Malheiro gave a lecture about a proposal of the Quadripolar Method. This method is based on the studies of Paul de Bruyne, Jacques Herman and Marc de Schoutheete, with a special look by the lecturer at its application in social science research.

According to Professor Armando Malheiro, this method could be an important asset in research focused on sustainability. The method allows researchers to insert components of community and social engagement, without losing the scientific perspective and the replicability of research.

Afternoon Lecture: From Documentary Sciences to Information Science

In the afternoon, Professor Armando Malheiro gave a lecture on the trajectory of the sciences related to the study of information. This trajectory has enabled students to understand the importance of the information practitioner role over the last 100 years, especially in Western societies.

The lecture also addressed the themes of teaching, research, and extension in the Social Sciences, as well as drawing a parallel between the profile of Latin American and European professionals. According to Professor Armando Malheiro, the theme of sustainability is plastic in those areas, as it is important for the professional of information to understand the needs of the profession. These professionals need to think critically about the sustainable development of their activities for society over time.

The professor highlighted the importance of student’s independence in the classroom as a means of establishing a mechanism for improving students’ critical sense, as well as incorporating proactive elements based on greater student independence. These mechanisms are important for the formation of learning elements that enable future professionals to better understand the sustainability scenario of their region.

Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., is a professor at Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil.