Abstract Representation of IT Green Book Chapter

Green IT: energetic efficiency in Online Social Network Services…

Data centers are a centralized hardware and software infrastructure with cost reduction as its main benefit. The relationship between sustainability and data centers has given rise to the movement called Green IT. Among the data centers, the institutions holding Online Social Network Services (OSNS) stand out.

The objective of this article is to verify how the energy consumption of data centers is treated in the scientific literature and in technical documents, to identify the challenges of institutions that hold SRSO. The sample is restricted to information on SRSO data centers.

An exploratory analysis of the available literature and technical documents made available by the institutions was conducted. All institutions present statistical reports on the energy efficiency of their data centers. The analysis indicated ways to encourage greater equipment efficiency.

The article concludes that the growth of these services places the topic of energy efficiency of SRSO data centers in the foreground, and the reports present initiatives to neutralize the carbon footprint of the holding institutions. The main forms of action of the institutions to reduce CO2 emissions are the buying of carbon credits and investments in plants with clean matrixes.

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The meme as a discursive genre in Online Social Network Services Book Chapter

The meme as a discursive genre in Online Social…

The study aimed to investigate memes as a discursive genre and describe them on a page of an Online Social Network Service (OSNS) aided by the classification of Recuero (2011).

As a method, the descriptive study with an exploratory character was used, with Facebook as the locus of data collection. The choice is justified because it is one of the most used OSNS (DIGITAL, 2019). Facebook pages in Portuguese were freely observed with the purpose of disseminating memes.

The selection to carry out the data collection was based on the number of likes and shares made on the pages, thus reaching the page Capinaremos. In March 2021, the Capinaremos page was classified according to its creators as entertainment with 1,513,476 followers, achieving particular popularity among internet users.

For the development of the study, six (6) memes were selected based on the classification of posts from the year 2020, between November 29 and December 24, 2020. For the development of the study, six (6) memes were selected based on the classification of posts from the year 2020, between November 29 and December 24, 2020. In the description of the memes, Recuero’s (2011) classification was adopted, as it is understood that their research can contribute to the understanding of the genre.

Only memes produced with a set of images and texts/statements were used in the study. This stage of the research approaches memes in the context of social, political, and everyday situations, in order to describe them as a discursive genre. To complement the approach, some individual peculiarities of each meme were recorded, such as the number of shares observed on the page Weeding with the intention of verifying the level of reach that the genre obtained among internet users.

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Propensity to Use an Aerial Data Collection Device in Agricultural Research Book Chapter

Propensity to Use an Aerial Data Collection Device in…

The access to information as a success factor in areas of human activity gains relevance with the intensive adoption of ICT. An important sector such as agriculture cannot be left out of this phenomenon.

The results obtained in agricultural research show an increasing dependence on the intensive use of data, with a bigger volume and variety, origin in different environments, and through different technologies.

The objective of this study is to categorize the possibilities of using Aerial Data Collection Device described in agriculture academic studies, to understand how these devices are being used in research carried out by Brazilian universities.

The research is limited to the results of the thesis and dissertations between the years 2015 and 2017, considering the graduate programs of the USP, UNICAMP, and UNESP. Five categories were defined regarding the propensity for the use of Aerial Data Collection Devices: Soil Diagnosis, Plant Diagnosis, Management of Grazing Areas, Crop Management, and Hydrographic Monitoring.

It was identified that more research is needed to reflect on how science can help its application in this strategic productive sector.


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Google NGram graph Book Chapter

Translate Data Term to everyday

Data, data, and more data. Data from all sides, news, opinions, decisions, and even when we try to build a perception of the most different issues, data are used to support the main concepts involved.

The participation of data in our daily lives is not new. We have always relied on them to establish our perception of the world and the construction of opinions and decision making. However, more and more available, data became part of everyone’s daily life and in all spheres of action. Every day we are put in contact with information based on data and, with them gaining increasing prominence, we are impelled to try to understand what it is about. But it is not always an easy task, there are many ‘DATA-something- something’ defining concepts that contain other concepts related to what we can do with the data.

This flood of citations to the term ‘DATA’ has been growing exponentially: there are posts, news, articles, books, and everyone bringing ‘DATA-something-something’ as if everyone had an obligation to know the meaning of these concepts.

Many of these concepts come from real situations and result from factors that technological advances provide, while others are defined by companies (the so famous buzzwords). One issue that emerges from this scenario is that often used as a sales pitch, these concepts end up receiving connotations that overlap with the denoting senses.

In this sense, a selection of concepts that permeate the question of data is presented, especially those that have a direct relation to the use of data in digital informational environments. The concepts were selected based on the criterion of a greater presence in publications, especially books, and, in the end, we present an example of using data to illustrate exactly this question of the presence of the term ‘DATA’ in books. It is worth remembering that they are simplified definitions of each of the concepts, and that they aimed at an overview of each term, but that allows the reader to position himself when he finds the so-called ‘DATA-something-something’.

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