Enhanced Publication aspects in Thesis and Dissertations

The aim of this research is to study aspects involved in enhanced publication context, especially for cases of thesis and dissertations and several documents that became part of the new range of elements of these results, providing subsidies for the development of a conceptual basis to support proposals to structures of gathering, storage and retrieval of this new set of documents that compose thesis and dissertations, from concepts already established in Information Science.

The methodology used was the methodological triangulation, exploratory and descriptive, consisting of:

  1. identification of theoretical framework through literature about enhanced publication in Portuguese, through studies available in Google Scholar and Scielo databases, and Google Search;
  2. requirements analysis, with the use of phases and objectives of the Data Life Cycle for Information Science (CVD), and;
  3. case study, from the sets of documents from a thesis on a process of Doctorate and Master Degree Program in Information Science – PPGCI from UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista.

The results of this study are presented in the form of requirements analysis, with use of graphs for the development of relations between documents of the enhanced publication; and requirements in phases of gathering, storage and retrieval for the implementation of features.

It was concluded that with explicit process of the requirements analysis of collection, storage and retrieval stages, begin to emerge more concerns in the way which enhanced publications will be presented at the time of implementation of features, such as requirements to clarify aspects of privacy, and a more detailed explanation and action on this issue,

Keywords: Information Science. Thesis. Dissertation. Enhanced Publication. Data.


  1. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues
  2. Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant’Ana

Full text available* at

* Only in Brazilian Portuguese.

  1. XVII National Meeting of Information Science Researchers
  2. Research Gate
  3. Academia.edu


Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., is a professor at Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil.