Information and Technology in ENANCIB: Trends of GT #08

The scientific development established between areas of knowledge has as main characteristic the activities developed by the scientific community, which is set for the research activities and collective research groups, in an individually way. Analyzes are performed through indicators on science and technology that provide measures about some aspects identified in the scientific literature.

This study aims to map papers presented on the Working Group Information and Technology – GT 08 at ENANCIB, from years between 2008 and 2015.

The methodological procedure was based:

  1. on the analysis of keywords; on identifying of incidence of word ‘technology’ in papers;
  2. on analysis of authorship, co-authorship, citation, and institutions involved.

As results, this paper presents:

  1. A mapping of papers geographical distribution by Brazilian regions;
  2. Characteristics from affiliations of institutions that authors are bound;
  3. Characteristics of academic authors who published the GT 08 and
  4. The construction of institutional co-authorship networks and citing x cited by author and institution, tracing, thereby, the theoretical approaches and the impact of analyzed papers in the period.

The analyzes presented showed a growth in numbers of jobs over the years between Oral Communication and Poster categories, of researchers and more representative institutions and, of themes developed and which were approached on analyzed studies.

Keywords: Information and Technology. GT 08 – ENANCIB. Scientific production. Information Science.


  1. Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos
  2. Felipe Augusto Arakaki
  3. Paula Regina Ventura Amorim Gonçalez
  4. Caio Saraiva Coneglian
  5. Ana Carolina Simionato
  6. Luiza de Menezes Romanetto
  7. Fabio Rogério Batista Lima
  8. Fernando de Assis Rodrigues

Full text available* at

* Only in Brazilian Portuguese.

  1. XVII National Meeting of Information Science Researchers
  2. Research Gate


Fernando de Assis Rodrigues, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., is a professor at Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil.