
Collection of data from social networks: privacy of personal…

The development of social networks is a topic of study for several areas, and with the increased use of the Internet in professional and leisure activities, online social networks have emerged: services with the goal of providing an interface between individuals.
Some of these networks have millions of users, who agree and give their consent to the Terms of Use. The Terms of Use of these services contain the delimitation of the processes of data collection by external agents, creating a cascading effect of user identification and can enhance activities which are detrimental to user privacy.
This study looks to verify if the systematic data collection processes for documents which contain characteristics of the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) data collection and the Terms of Use can help in identifying activities potentially harmful to user privacy (referenced) and reveal prerequisites of knowledge about the technology involved in this process, concepts prior to identifying characteristics and professional areas involved in understanding the technology of the API and the Terms of Use. Read more “Collection of data from social networks: privacy of personal data through access of the Application Programming Interface”